Opening dates for campsites in Catalonia 2025

We know you want to know the opening dates of the campsites in Catalonia for this 2025, so grab a pen and paper, we have what you need!

Camping Las Palmeras

We have prepared a compilation with the opening dates of some of the campsites in Catalonia for this 2025. Whether you want to enjoy nature in winter, take advantage of spring to discover new destinations or wait until summer to spend an unforgettable holiday, here you will find all the information you need.

Campsites that have opened in the month of January:

Openings during the month of February:

Campsites open in March:

Campsites open in April:

Campsites open in May:

Campsites open all year round:

and up to 40! Find them all in this link!

Was this collection useful? Give us your support by following us on our social networks, sharing or commenting!

Cheers and camping!


🌿 M'encanta viatjar, conèixer llocs nous i crear records inoblidables dia rere dia 😊. Sempre cercant paisatges i experiències noves. 🌄